CAEA Membership
There are two levels of membership for CAEA. Your participation as a member of CAEA helps to facilitate and direct the Canadian Airports National Electrical Workshop (CANEW). Memberships are for one year and need to be renewed on an annual basis prior to each CANEW. Please use the Delegate Registration form for your membership application.

CAEA Membership
- Membership in the Association shall be confined to individuals working for airports, Transport Canada, National Defence of Canada, and Public Works of Canada.
- Every application for membership shall be given in writing to the Association and shall be referred to the Directors for acceptance or rejection at their first meeting after receipt of the application.

CAEA Associate Membership
- Associate Membership shall be open to individuals employed by other governmental agencies, engineering consultants, construction contractors, equipment manufacturers, and equipment suppliers. Associate Members shall have evidence that they are involved in airport-related business. Retired professionals qualify to be Associate members.
- Associate Members are not eligible to vote in Association business.
- Every application for membership shall be given in writing to the Association and shall be referred to the Directors for acceptance or rejection at their first meeting after receipt of the application.
- Associate members shall be eligible to become Directors and no more than two Directors shall be Associate members. Associate members will not be eligible to become or hold an Officer’s position in the Association.
Insights from CAEA world
CANEW stands to evaluate and explore new technologies and in order to improve service levels through the exchange of ideas and experiences.